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If you want to epoxy paint your floor that has actual expansion joints and not just saw cuts than you need to fill those expansion joints in with this product first.

ArmorGarage Flexible Joint Sealant is a 2 component (you mix A & B)technical hybrid polymer containing both urethane and epoxy resins that provde a resiliant filler for large expansion joints and cracks. Exhibits excellent flexibility. Remove any expansion material down to 1/2" below surface and then apply filler. Apply prior to cleaning and etching. Gray in color when mixed. Used on residential and commercial garage floors, industrial floors, parking decks, highways, bridges, and marine applications. Compatible with all our epoxy kits. 2 Gallon set yields 60-70 lineal feet of a 1/2" x 1" bead. Pot life 30-40 mins @ 70 deg F.

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