Chemical & Acid Resistant Epoxy Floor Coatings

Chemical & Acid Resistant Epoxy Floor Coatings

Acid and chemical spills can rapidly damage any concrete floor lacking proper protection. As illustrated in the image above, there is a stark contrast between the left side coated with just standard floor epoxy and the Armor Acid Shield coated half on the right. The lefthand portion has developed a yellowish hue, and the aggregate is becoming visible due to caustic chemical exposure as opposed to the floor coated with our Acid Shield Epoxy that is exposed to the same chemicals and acids. If left improperly protected, the slab on the left will require removal and replacement. A much costlier senario than coating it properly in the first place. Acid Shield has a higher first cost but in the long run it is much cheaper that using standard epoxy flooring by not having to shutdown and redo the coating and or the slab.


ArmorGarage offers an extensive range of acid and chemical resistant Novolac Epoxy floor coatings and concrete repair compounds, delivering the utmost protection against a wide array of chemicals and acids.


Novolac epoxies are a class of epoxy coatings that are specially made to resist caustic acid and chemical spills. Novolacs cannot be compared to any standard type solids epoxy and certainly not any kind of water based epoxy coating. Standard solids based epoxies offer a moderate level of protection against some acids and chemicals and water based epoxies offer just about no protection. So if you want true protection against caustic chemicals and acid spills you need to use the highest quality Novolac epoxy floor coating such ArmorGarage Acid Shield.