How To Clean & Repair Epoxy Flooring, Garage Tiles Or Garage Floor Mats
Now that you’ve purchased a high quality new floor we hope you’ll provide it a little TLC as you would any other high quality item you may buy. Your ArmorGarage garage flooring has been designed and made to stand the test of time. With a little bit of the right care, it will do just that.
For your new garage floor epoxy there is really no maintenance required. The important thing to remember is that this is a non stick surface so when you want to clean it all you have to do is wipe the floor down with a damp rag or towel. A damp rag or towel under a Tee Stick lets you clean your garage floor epoxy in just a few minutes.
There should never be a need to use harsh detergents or solvents and we recommend against their use. If the garage epoxy floor becomes extremely dirty you can mix up some dish washing liquid or some Simple Green and wash the floor down with that and a garden hose. Pressure washing is now no longer necessary but OK to do if you want to. Just don't zero point the nozzle. It’s very simple and easy to keep your epoxy floor looking brand new. Also keep in mind that while vehicle fluids will have no effect on your epoxy floor finish especially if you used the military grade topcoat. It's never a good idea to leave harsh solvents like brake cleaner, carb cleaner or battery acid on the floor longer than necessary.
Now should the unthinkable happen and the floor gets damaged say by some abrasive objects that scratches the coating. The beauty of your ArmorGarage epoxy flooring is that the topcoat should absorb the damage leaving the base coat and chips if used untouched. That’s why we use our system, we don’t want you ever having to redo the garage floor epoxy base coat. Below we’ve taken a epoxy floor sample with chips and scratched it with a razor knife for emphasis. First, don’t panic and make it worse, we know you’re traumatized if this happens. But it’s easily fixed. If you don’t have any topcoat left just call us for a repair kit and will send you a small batch of the topcoat. All you have to do is sand it down slightly with an extra fine 3M pad. Wipe off the residue. Then brush on some new topcoat. And as you can see the damaged area right to the left of the paint brush comes right back to new. All the sanding marks and scratches have disappeared. We left some of the scratches and the sanded areas uncoated purposely so that you can see the difference. This is why you paid a little extra for our garage flooring epoxy.

Garage Floor Mat and Garage Tiles
For your garage flooring type such as our Armor Garage Floor Mats or Armor Garage Floor Tiles maintenance is simple. Just wash them down with water and some dish washing liquid. To make future cleanings even easier and to add a little extra protection to the garage flooring we recommend using a good quality household vinyl floor cleaner/wax. Clean & Shine or Mop & Glow work fine. Once you’ve cleaned the floor with one of these types of products subsequent clean ups can be done by wiping down the floor with a damp rag or mop. A sponge squeegee also works great and for the most part a simple washing with your garden hose will get the job done. Again no harsh chemicals should ever be needed nor should you have to power wash. But feel free to power wash if you feel you have to, you won’t hurt the mats or tiles. In recent years tire manufacturers have added a chemical called PP6 which cause some tires to leach out and stain Mats and Tiles. The only way to prevent that is to have a good coat of wax on or to apply our tile coating to our tiles. If your garage tiles do become tire stained give us a call in the office and we'll help you out.
Armor Garage Tile
Repair of your Armor Garage Tile couldn’t be easier. If you should ever somehow manage to actually damage one of the tiles which isn’t easy to do, but if you ever do, just drill a small hole in the damaged tile and pry it out with a screwdriver or something similar. Then pop one of the spare tiles you have back in. Done!
Damage to your Armor Mat will rarely ever occur. You would need to be cutting something on the floor without anything in between the object you're cutting and the garage mat. Or you would have to drop a sharp, pointy heavy object on the Mat or puncture it from doing work directly on the mat without any protection. If doing work with sharp blades or heavy pointy objects please use some floor protection just like you would on any other fine flooring. If you do slice or puncture it accidentally just use some 3M Seam Weld to fuse the cut or punctured area back together. If more serious damage has occurred to your mat give us a call or email us and we'll help you out as best we can.
So that’s it, keep your garage floors clean and enjoy looking at them for many years to come.