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Indoor Epoxy Coating For Wood & Tile Floors

Use this kit to epoxy coat any indoor surface. Bonds to any kind of tile, porcelain, ceramic, VCT tile, wood floors, metal or plastic surfaces. Complete with special primer, mixer, rollers, nonslip additive, instructions and Free Shipping. Coverage may vary depending on surface being covered.

We even have a Flexible Epoxy version for wood or concrete backerboard floors that have a higher than normal amounts of deflection. This allows you to coat floors that previously could never be coated due to cracking of the hard epoxy.

Great for Locker Rooms and Public Bathrooms where old ceramic tiles can be slippery and hard to maintain clean.

No costly and time consuming diamond grinding and new cement overlay. Simply sand with floor sander or buffer with black pad to clean and rough up and apply the Coat All System! It's fast, easy and is super durable!

Easy to install using our clear and easy to follow instructions, no experience needed for professional results.

You can add in colored flakes to the epoxy for a terrazzo type finish, choose one of the flake coloe options. Topcoat is available in two options, standard heavy duty(two coats) or or our military grade version(one coat).

For high traffic areas and added protection it's  recommended to use the military grade topcoat, it's a chemically hardened coating that can handle the most abusive environments. For light traffic use the standard topcoat. 

To hide grout lines you can order one set of the Extra Thick Epoxy for every Coat All Kit ordered. This allows you to fill in the grout lines first with a flat squeegee, please note that trying to fill in grout lines with a coating is not an exact science and may require substantially more material than you think depending on the depth and type of grout used. Please contact us to discuss.





                                                                             COAT-ALL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS




Surface Preparation: Surface must be clean and dry, free from all grease, wax, oil, polish, loose paint, dirt, rust or other contamination. Clean with a strong abrasive detergent, rinse well and allow to dry.  Scrub moldy or mildewed surfaces with bleach and rinse well. Wipe down the surface with  Xylene. Do not use mineral spirits, turpentine solvents that will leave oily residues. For very hard, glossy surfaces such as VCT, roughing the surface with floor buffer with black pad or silicon carbide sandpaper before applying the Bonder is recommended for best adhesion. For wood lightly sand to remove any Mil finish or other surface films. If coating over concrete, surface should be grinded with diamond grinder or Floor Prep Machine rented from Home Depot  or acid etched with a 3 parts water to 1 part acid solution. Sprinkle solution onto concrete or tiles, let sit 5 minutes then rinse, repeat if necessary and then scrub in 1lb TSP per 1000 Sq Ft and rinse thoroughly to neutralize the surface. Let floor dry 24-48 hours

Concrete: Previously coated concrete should be pull tested by scoring a 12” x 12” square with a razor and then completely covered firmly with Gorilla Duct Tape. Then rapidly pull tape off, if more then 20% of coating comes off, coating should be fully removed via Floor Prep Machine from Home Depot or industrial diamond grinder with 25 grit bits for large areas. Bare concrete must be either grinded or acid etched. Use 1 gallon of muriatic acid with 3 gallons of water per 300 Sq Ft. Scrub in solution and let sit 5 minutes and rinse. For very dirty floors etch immediately after first rinse. Prior to final rinse scrub in 1lb TSP per 1000 Sq Ft and rinse well. This will neutralize slab and bring it back to the proper PH level.

Tile, Glazed Block and Brick, Porcelain: Decorative surfaces such as these can be restored and painted. First remove old paint and debris. Repair or patch any broken or damaged areas. Then clean away any wax, polish, grease, oil and other contaminants with a strong abrasive detergent. Wipe the surface with a cleaning solvent such as xylene. For maximum adhesion scuff sand with carbide sandpaper or etch the surface with Muriatic acid in a 2 parts water to 1 part acid mix.  Apply the primer and allow to dry for 24 hours then apply the epoxy. Not recommended for sinks, tubs or shower areas where continuous water or hot water can be present. Note: where flexible seams or soft caulking are present, do not paint over with the primer, fill in any cracks or spalls with Armor Crack & Joint Compound and allow to cure overnight before priming. Always plan your job ahead and apply any caulking needed after painting. Always caulk edges or seams that can trap and hold moisture and, therefore, become the source of coating failure. For exterior jobs - where high water contact is expected or where moisture or dew may accumulate, use our Ultra Fast Dry Epoxy which is UV rated.

How to Apply Primer: Mix well in can. Apply this primer by synthetic fiber brush, 1/4 inch nap synthetic roller(included). The temperature of the surface and the surrounding air should be between 35 deg. F and 100 deg. F. It will dry to touch in about 2hrs under standard conditions (77 deg. F and 50% relative humidity). Thicker coats will take longer to dry. If priming over VCT two prime coats are required. Allow first coat to dry to the touch and apply second coat perpendicular to first coat if possible. Do not paint in direct sun or on a hot surface. Stop application two hours before a heavy dew or rain. If possible plan your painting to avoid heavy rain for the first 24 hours of curing. Primer covers about 400 square feet per gallon. 

Clean-Up: Clean-up with Xylene or equivalent.


Epoxy Application: Apply for indoor use only. Be sure to allow 24 hrs for primer to cure before applying epoxy!  With each 300 SF kit you should receive 1-1.5 gallon set of epoxy and with each 600 sq ft kit you should receive 1- 3gallon set.  Mix each can individually. Epoxy gets mixed in a 2 Parts A to 1 Part B ratio. DO NOT MIX ALL THE EPOXY AT ONCE.  Mix each 1.5 gallon set in 2 batches, mix each 3-gallon set in 3 batches. Use measuring containers to pour out portions of Part A and Part B.  Accurate measurement and mixing is required for epoxy to cure properly, improper measurements and or mixing will results in tacky spots which are not covered by warranty. Pour measured amounts into a mixing bucket using stirring stick to scrape material out of measuring containers. Mix product in mixing bucket with the included jiffy mixer in a power drill on medium speed for 2-3 minutes moving mixing wand up, down and all round the sides to ensure complete mix. Pour a bead of epoxy from left to right and spread with included squeegee then backroll product out further in an even coating. Do not apply too thick. it is not necessary to apply in an overly thick coat. 3 gallons should cover aprox 600 sq ft. Hard to reach areas and vertical surfaces may be coated by brush.  Work time is 30-40 minutes so do not leave mixed epoxy in mixing bucket or unattended. Premature hardening is not covered by the warranty. Repeat each for each batch until done.

If using colored flakes, sprinkle flakes into each wet epoxy section. Using the included spike soles to toss small amounts into air and allow to fall randomly while walking in the wet epoxy. Avoid handling and tossing too many chips at once to avoid clumps and blotches of flakes. See The How To Prep & Paint Your Floor page on our Home Page for helpful tips on applying the flakes properly. Leave a wet edge of epoxy without flakes to facilitate the overlapping of epoxy from the next section. All sections will self level and blend together to form a seamless surface. Allow epoxy to cure 12-20 hrs before applying topcoat. Epoxy should be hard to the touch without leaving any fingerprints.

For heavily trafficked and or public areas we recommend using the military grade topcoat. Apply topcoat within 20 hours of epoxy.  Mix nonslip additive into can and stir continuously to keep particles suspended. Pour product from can into rolling pan and roller on like conventional paint. If using the Military grade topcoat(Red Label Can), one coat only is applied. If using standard heavy duty topcoat do two coats, apply the included nonslip to the topcoat in the second coat. Stir can frequently to keep nonslip suspeneded. Note: You do not have to use the nonslip additive but be advised If the floor  gets wet the topcoat is nonporous and is very slippery without the nonslip additive. If not using the nonslip additive you must clean up any spills immediately. 



Please note that when using this product that the Primer, Epoxy and Standard Topcoat have no odor. If you need the Military Grade Topcoat please be advised that there is an odor with this coating so be sure to have adequate ventilation. We also strongly recommend you sue the supplied nonslip to avoid slip and falls when the epoxy is wet. 

For VCT tiles a minimum of two primer coats are required, please call us when doing a VCT floor.

For wood floors any all wax or clear coats must be sanded off first. If your floor has a lot of deflection in it we strongly suggest you choose the Flexible Epoxy version to avoid cracking. Our Flexible Epoxy offers an amazing half inch in deflection without cracking.

For filling in grout lines please note that it's not an exact science in determining how much product you will need to completely hide your grout lines. It depends on how deep the grout lines are and what type of grout was used. So best to er on the safe side rather than come up short.

Two Layer System- Proprietary Bonding Agent And Extra Thick Military Grade Epoxy.

Topcoat and Color Flake Options Available For Enhanced Look & Extra Durability

DIY Friendly No Prior Experience Nedeed

Allows You Epoxy Paint Just About Any Floor Or Object



Perfect for applying in residential or commercial applications for coating over:


Porcelain Tiels

Cermaic Tiles

VCT Tile


Metal Objects

Plastic Objects



Locker Rooms


Retail Stores





And many other apllications, please call if you're not sure aobut your project

Custom tab 1


                                                                             COAT-ALL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS




Surface Preparation: Surface must be clean and dry, free from all grease, wax, oil, polish, loose paint, dirt, rust or other contamination. Clean with a strong abrasive detergent, rinse well and allow to dry.  Scrub moldy or mildewed surfaces with bleach and rinse well. Wipe down the surface with  Xylene. Do not use mineral spirits, turpentine solvents that will leave oily residues. For very hard, glossy surfaces such as VCT, roughing the surface with floor buffer with black pad or silicon carbide sandpaper before applying the Bonder is recommended for best adhesion. For wood lightly sand to remove any Mil finish or other surface films. If coating over concrete, surface should be grinded with diamond grinder or Floor Prep Machine rented from Home Depot  or acid etched with a 3 parts water to 1 part acid solution. Sprinkle solution onto concrete or tiles, let sit 5 minutes then rinse, repeat if necessary and then scrub in 1lb TSP per 1000 Sq Ft and rinse thoroughly to neutralize the surface. Let floor dry 24-48 hours

Concrete: Previously coated concrete should be pull tested by scoring a 12” x 12” square with a razor and then completely covered firmly with Gorilla Duct Tape. Then rapidly pull tape off, if more then 20% of coating comes off, coating should be fully removed via Floor Prep Machine from Home Depot or industrial diamond grinder with 25 grit bits for large areas. Bare concrete must be either grinded or acid etched. Use 1 gallon of muriatic acid with 3 gallons of water per 300 Sq Ft. Scrub in solution and let sit 5 minutes and rinse. For very dirty floors etch immediately after first rinse. Prior to final rinse scrub in 1lb TSP per 1000 Sq Ft and rinse well. This will neutralize slab and bring it back to the proper PH level.

Tile, Glazed Block and Brick, Porcelain: Decorative surfaces such as these can be restored and painted. First remove old paint and debris. Repair or patch any broken or damaged areas. Then clean away any wax, polish, grease, oil and other contaminants with a strong abrasive detergent. Wipe the surface with a cleaning solvent such as xylene. For maximum adhesion scuff sand with carbide sandpaper or etch the surface with Muriatic acid in a 2 parts water to 1 part acid mix.  Apply the primer and allow to dry for 24 hours then apply the epoxy. Not recommended for sinks, tubs or shower areas where continuous water or hot water can be present. Note: where flexible seams or soft caulking are present, do not paint over with the primer, fill in any cracks or spalls with Armor Crack & Joint Compound and allow to cure overnight before priming. Always plan your job ahead and apply any caulking needed after painting. Always caulk edges or seams that can trap and hold moisture and, therefore, become the source of coating failure. For exterior jobs - where high water contact is expected or where moisture or dew may accumulate, use our Ultra Fast Dry Epoxy which is UV rated.

How to Apply Primer: Mix well in can. Apply this primer by synthetic fiber brush, 1/4 inch nap synthetic roller(included). The temperature of the surface and the surrounding air should be between 35 deg. F and 100 deg. F. It will dry to touch in about 2hrs under standard conditions (77 deg. F and 50% relative humidity). Thicker coats will take longer to dry. If priming over VCT two prime coats are required. Allow first coat to dry to the touch and apply second coat perpendicular to first coat if possible. Do not paint in direct sun or on a hot surface. Stop application two hours before a heavy dew or rain. If possible plan your painting to avoid heavy rain for the first 24 hours of curing. Primer covers about 400 square feet per gallon. 

Clean-Up: Clean-up with Xylene or equivalent.


Epoxy Application: Apply for indoor use only. Be sure to allow 24 hrs for primer to cure before applying epoxy!  With each 300 SF kit you should receive 1-1.5 gallon set of epoxy and with each 600 sq ft kit you should receive 1- 3gallon set.  Mix each can individually. Epoxy gets mixed in a 2 Parts A to 1 Part B ratio. DO NOT MIX ALL THE EPOXY AT ONCE.  Mix each 1.5 gallon set in 2 batches, mix each 3-gallon set in 3 batches. Use measuring containers to pour out portions of Part A and Part B.  Accurate measurement and mixing is required for epoxy to cure properly, improper measurements and or mixing will results in tacky spots which are not covered by warranty. Pour measured amounts into a mixing bucket using stirring stick to scrape material out of measuring containers. Mix product in mixing bucket with the included jiffy mixer in a power drill on medium speed for 2-3 minutes moving mixing wand up, down and all round the sides to ensure complete mix. Pour a bead of epoxy from left to right and spread with included squeegee then backroll product out further in an even coating. Do not apply too thick. it is not necessary to apply in an overly thick coat. 3 gallons should cover aprox 600 sq ft. Hard to reach areas and vertical surfaces may be coated by brush.  Work time is 30-40 minutes so do not leave mixed epoxy in mixing bucket or unattended. Premature hardening is not covered by the warranty. Repeat each for each batch until done.

If using colored flakes, sprinkle flakes into each wet epoxy section. Using the included spike soles to toss small amounts into air and allow to fall randomly while walking in the wet epoxy. Avoid handling and tossing too many chips at once to avoid clumps and blotches of flakes. See The How To Prep & Paint Your Floor page on our Home Page for helpful tips on applying the flakes properly. Leave a wet edge of epoxy without flakes to facilitate the overlapping of epoxy from the next section. All sections will self level and blend together to form a seamless surface. Allow epoxy to cure 12-20 hrs before applying topcoat. Epoxy should be hard to the touch without leaving any fingerprints.

For heavily trafficked and or public areas we recommend using the military grade topcoat. Apply topcoat within 20 hours of epoxy.  Mix nonslip additive into can and stir continuously to keep particles suspended. Pour product from can into rolling pan and roller on like conventional paint. If using the Military grade topcoat(Red Label Can), one coat only is applied. If using standard heavy duty topcoat do two coats, apply the included nonslip to the topcoat in the second coat. Stir can frequently to keep nonslip suspeneded. Note: You do not have to use the nonslip additive but be advised If the floor  gets wet the topcoat is nonporous and is very slippery without the nonslip additive. If not using the nonslip additive you must clean up any spills immediately. 



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Please note that when using this product that the Primer, Epoxy and Standard Topcoat have no odor. If you need the Military Grade Topcoat please be advised that there is an odor with this coating so be sure to have adequate ventilation. We also strongly recommend you sue the supplied nonslip to avoid slip and falls when the epoxy is wet. 

For VCT tiles a minimum of two primer coats are required, please call us when doing a VCT floor.

For wood floors any all wax or clear coats must be sanded off first. If your floor has a lot of deflection in it we strongly suggest you choose the Flexible Epoxy version to avoid cracking. Our Flexible Epoxy offers an amazing half inch in deflection without cracking.

For filling in grout lines please note that it's not an exact science in determining how much product you will need to completely hide your grout lines. It depends on how deep the grout lines are and what type of grout was used. So best to er on the safe side rather than come up short.

Custom tab 3

Two Layer System- Proprietary Bonding Agent And Extra Thick Military Grade Epoxy.

Topcoat and Color Flake Options Available For Enhanced Look & Extra Durability

DIY Friendly No Prior Experience Nedeed

Allows You Epoxy Paint Just About Any Floor Or Object



Custom tab 4

Perfect for applying in residential or commercial applications for coating over:


Porcelain Tiels

Cermaic Tiles

VCT Tile


Metal Objects

Plastic Objects



Locker Rooms


Retail Stores





And many other apllications, please call if you're not sure aobut your project

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