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Premium Epoxy Flooring Color Chips

ArmorGarage color chips are the highest quality chips you can buy. They have vibrant colors that will standout in your epoxy coating and won't disintegrate during handling and application like other chips do.

If you desire a terrazzo or granite look to your indoor epoxy floor then order these chips. Simply enter the total number of pounds you want in the Qty Box. there is a 15lb minimum. In The Chip Color Box enter the color and number of pounds you want for each color chip. Please note we can only process whole number of pounds. We recommend 10lbs for every 500 square feet for terrazzo look and 20lbs for every 500 square feet for granite look. Example; 3lbs of blue, 2 lbs of white and 1 lb of black is acceptable, 3.5 pounds of blue is not acceptable. Please note that if you want 20 lbs of chips total you must enter 20 into the Quantity Box then enter each flake color and the each quantity into the text box. The Price is $7.99/lb of chips.

 Also please note that due to EPA restrictions only the Green Glow In The Dark chips are available. These will charge out at an additional $50.00/lb. Please specify the Qty of the glow in the dark chips you want in the comment box.

When using color flakes it's imperative that you protect them with a clear topcoat. We offer two versions, a standard heavy duty topcoat with no odor and a military grade topcoat that has a strong odor until it dries. Whenever possible we recommend the military grade topcoat, it's a much harder/durable finish. When working in occupied spaces or inside a home the standard topcoat should be chosen. We also strongly recommend the use of the nonslip additive, all epoxy finishes are slippery when wet. You can select the topcoat of your choice from the drop down menu on the Coat-All Indoor Kit product page.

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