If you have an area that is exposed to low level chemical and acid hazards such as charging stations, caustic wash down areas, fertilizers and other moderately corrosive agents then this will save you money and provide long term protection. Great for grow facilities, breweries and large warehouses that have a large number of electric forklifts or use caustic process and or cleaning agents. This is also the perfect product for any facility such as food production facilities that require lots of caustic wash downs. Caustic wash downs will destroy standard epoxies but do not need the same protection as Acid & Chemical producing facilities.
Keeping the concrete from getting eaten away by corrosive fluids has always been a costly challenge. Standard Epoxy floor coatings(even ours) either don't work or fail after only a year or two of service depending what they are exposed to. Our customers have asked us to come up with affordable Acid & Chemical resistant floor coating that will last.
So we put together this package which consists of doing two coats of our Novolak pigmented base coat. It's about 50% less expensive than our full Heavy Duty Novolak Acid Systems.This system will provide excellent adhesion to your floor and provide excellent protection in areas that do not have a lot of high wear traffic. We have found that a lot of chemically exposed areas have very little vehicle traffic and minor spills are cleaned up right away. These types of applications don't require the full hazardous duty Novolak system and its corresponding expense. The corrosive acids and fluids being dealt with here will never make it through the two layers of the epoxy base coat. As opposed to a true acid floor application where very corrosive acids and high traffic will destroy ordinary epoxy in no time. This coating is the best of both worlds in that it is economical and hearty enough to resist hundreds of different acids and chemicals.
We even have solutions for oil stained floors and floors that have an existing coating that is wearing out. See our Oil Stain Primer and Bonding Primer for these two common issues. These two products allow our coating to be applied to floors that previously were not coatable or very difficult to recoat.
Surface must be clean of all dirt, acids or oils. Acid etching or diamond grinding are recommended depending on the condition of the floor. For smaller floors the Floor Prep Machine you can rent at Home Depot does a good job. For large areas rent the largest diamond grinder you can handle and ask for new 25 grit bits. You want to achieve a CSP 2 finished surface. If acid etch we recommend two acid etches back to back with a TSP rinse after the second etch. To acid etch simply mix 1 gallon of muriatic acid with 3 gallons of water and disperse over wet floor, scrub in with stiff bristle shop broom and let sit 3-5 minuts and rinse, repeat and disperse TSP powder onto wet etched floor, scrub in and then rinse thoroughly. Let floor dry 24-48 hrs until 100% dry.
Oil stain floors should be cleaned with Liquid Tide or Dawn dish detergent in combination with a diluted muriatic acid solution. Several applications may be necessary depending on heavy the stains are. Then neutralize with TSP rinse at 1lb TSP per 1000 Sq Ft.
For heavily oil stained floors that won't come clean apply our Oil Stain Primer to form a bond to the oil soaked concrete.
For coating over a previous floor coating, sand the coating clean and apply our Bonding Primer to ensure adhesion between our epoxy and the existing coating.
Application of the epoxy is straight forward. Mix the epoxy in a 2:1 ratio with a jiffy mixer till color is uniform. Mix 1 gallon for each person rolling. DO NOT mix all the epoxy at once, this will result in a rapid hardening of the epoxy which is not covered under the warranty. We recommend using clear measuring containers for an accurate mix of the Part A & Part B. Use 3/8" lint free roller and roller panand roll on as you would regular enamel paint at a spread rate of 300 Sq Ft/Gal. First coat may appear streaky which the second coat will take care of. You will also get more coverage with second coat since yoiu're applying over a sealed surface. So if your floor absorbs a little more on the first coat it should be ok.
Allow first coat to dry in about 7-9 hrs and then apply second coat.
If a nonslip texture is desired, purchase our heavy duty nonslip additive and disperse into wet epoxy of the second coat and backroll over to encapsulate the nonslip particles.
• Cost Effective
• Easy To Apply
• Easy To Maintain
• Superior Adhesion to Concrete
• Can Bond to Mosto Other Existing Floor Coatings. Use Our Bonding Primer To Ensure Adhesion To Any Existing Coating.
• Beautiful High Gloss Finish
• Impervious To All Corrosive Forklift & Golf Cart Fluids
Impervious To Caustic Wash Downs & Cleaning Solvents
• Shore D Hardness-88 For Long Term Durability.(Hard Hats have a Shore D Hardness rating of 80-85). Shows superior resistance to abrasion wear from golf cart or forklift tires.
Brew Floors
Forklift & Pallet Jack Recharging Stations
Golf Car Storage & Charging Areas
Battery Backup Rooms
Labs With Low Level Acids & Chemicals
Cuastic Wash Down Areas
Process Floors
Machine Shops
Solvent Cleaning Areas
Fertilizer Areas
Water Treatment Plants