Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy Floor Coatings

ArmorGarage offers the most extensive range of epoxy floor coatings to meet any floor application criteria. We are not a one-size-fits-all epoxy coating company. From heavy industrial applications to two-car garages, ArmorGarage has the epoxy floor coating designed for your specific project.


The two most common mistakes customers make when purchasing epoxy flooring products are buying an inferior quality product, usually water-based, fake, or less than 100% solids, or buying an epoxy coating that lacks the performance capabilities to handle the traffic load on it. That's why we publish extensive information on our website and offer a wide range of epoxy coating products, each with several options to choose from to further customize your order. We encourage yout to take advantage of all the information on each product page and "The Need To Know Section".  You'll see that our products and our company are different and are the best choice for whatever project you're planning to do.  


All epoxy floor products are complete turnkey packages, so you don't have to worry about having everything you need to do the job right the first time. In fact on most of our products all you need to do is input the square footage of your floor, wall or roof and we take care of the rest.


We make it even simpler for you to shop for what you need by our Shop By Project Menu. You know what your project is but maybe you don't know which is the best product for it. Problem solved, just click on your project in the menu and we list the product or products that work best for your application. Still not sure then simply give us a call or send us an email or Request A Quote. Our expert reps will get your product selected and priced for you in no time. The best way to avoid buyer's remorse when it comes to epoxy or garage flooring is to know that the product you're buying meets or exceeds the traffic load of your floor before you make a purchase.


Beale Air Force base has chosen ArmorGarage Metal Roof Coating as the standard for the base out of dozens of competitors, the US Coast Guard uses our ArmorGarage II Commercial Epoxy System for their helicopter maintenance stations while the US Army rated our Garage Interlocking Floor Tiles as best out of all that were tested. Why? Because ArmorGarage products are thoroughly engineered, manufactured with only the highest grade materials and tested to be the most durable and easiest to apply products of its kind. With quick shipping and great customer service.