This coating is a huge time and money saver for owners of large cooling towers, swamp coolers and water tanks. While originally designed to stop leaks in the basins of cooling towers it can be used wherever there is a water leak below the water surface of any type of apparatus or structure. Adheres to concrete or steel surfaces with no primer necessary. Can be applied to surfaces that are wet or underwater. Can be applied to horizontal or vertical surfaces. Eliminates the need to shutdown mission critical equipment and or costly replacement of cooling tower basins and structural parts.
Cost effective easy application by in-house maintenance staff with no prior experience needed.
Sold in 1 or 4 gallon sets in Light Gray, Medium Gray, Dark Gray or White. Recommended coverage on horizontal surfaces is 100-200 Sq Ft per gallon. Two coats are required. For vertical surfaces coverage is 250 Sq Ft per gallon two coats required.
Mix Part A & Part B in a 3:1 Ratio with Jiffy Mixer on low speed or with large paint stirring stick for 3 minutes. Do not mix more than you can apply in 20 minutes. Apply with good quality brush, lint free roller or sprayer. Surface to be coated should be free of any mold, mildew, algea or loose flaking rust. This coating will adhere to concrete and steel with tight rust wet or dry. Can be applied to basins that are still full of water. It will cure underwater in 6 hours at 75 degrees, colder temperatures will require longer cure times. For basins we recommend an application of 100 sf/gal for extra protection. For vertical application coating can be applied at 200-300 sf/gal.
Allow first coat to cure to a rock hard finish then apply second coat. Do not let more than 24 hours pass before applying second coat.
Application temperature is from 35-120 degrees. Ideal uses are cooling tower basins,walls and pipe penetrations, pilings, metal or concrete seawalls. Ideal for pilings as coating can be applied at low tide and can cure underwater during high tide.