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$2.55 / Unit of measure: Sq Ft
Usually ships out in 2-3 business days
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550 Sq Ft
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Military grade industrial strength epoxy flooring with a flare. Provides your facility with an upgraded look. Same three layer protection as our standard packages but with the addition of color flakes. Choose from medium flake coverage(75%), heavy coverage(90-95%) or full broadcast-100% coverage. Please note full broadcast requires two layers of topcoat to fill in the additional thickness of the flakes. Flakes will have to be heavily scraped down and may also have to be sanded down depending on the application of the flakes into the epoxy. Heavy broadcast is very close in appearance to full broadcast plus you get the epoxy base color as an additional color and is much easier to install. 

As with our nonflake packages this will come with everything you need to prep and install your floor coating. Very simple to order just enter the square footage of your floor, please add in 10% safety factor since some slabs are more porous than others, then select desired flake coverage, select the flake colors you want from the Flake Color Chart and enter the names of the color flakes you would like into the Flake Color Order Box. We take care of the rest, we'll pack everything you need and ship it to you asap.

The most popular color flake combos for the gray epoxies are:

Black, White an Light Blue

Black, White and Primary Blue

And either of the above with an accent color such as Red.

For White it's a you pick em color.

For the Tile Red we would suggest Tan and Black flakes.



Refer to the How To Prep & Paint Your Floor Page for application instructions. Full instructions will be included with your order.

Custom tab 1

Refer to the How To Prep & Paint Your Floor Page for application instructions. Full instructions will be included with your order.

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