Concrete Patios - Car Ports & More

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This is a version of our Industrial grade polyaspartic that we have packaged into a DIY friendly system that allows you to coat your outdoor patios, car ports, pools decks and any other concrete surface where you need a durable UV proof  epoxy coating. Fast drying allowing 1 day back in use. Two layer system consisting of base coat with color flakes and one clear topcoat. Each coat dries to the touch in 2-4 hours depending on temperature with foot traffic in 6-8 hours and full vehicle traffic in 48 hours.

This system is rated at 8mgs abrasion loss rating making it extra heavy duty for a long service life. Easily retopcoated with another clear layer if and when needed. Available in four colors. Coverage is up to 550 Sq Ft per kit depending on surface porosity and texture.

      Each kit contains:

  • 2- Gallons Base Color Coat
  • 2- Gallons Clear Topcoat
  • 6lbs- Color Flakes
  • Mixer 
  • Rollers
  • Spike Soles
  • Nonslip Additive
  • Etching Powder
  • Mixing Sticks & Gloves


◘ Fast Drying

◘ Outdoor Rated

◘ Cures Down To 40 Degrees Outdooor Temperature

◘ Will Not Yellow

◘ DIY Friendly

◘ Extremely Durable & Impact Resistant

◘ Vehicle Rated & Resistant To All Vehicle Fluids

◘ Easily Cleaned & Maintained.


Concrete slab must be clean of all dust, dirt, oil stains or any other contaminants. We recommend a double etching if concrete is new or extra dirty the Floor Prep Machine from Home Depotprovides escellent results.  After grinding, vacuum the floor to remove leftover dust. Then using a strong leaf blower, blow any remaining dust off the floor and out of the premises.


Oil stains can be removed by mechanical grinding methods or scrubbed out with Liquid Tide and Muriatic Acid, be sure to neutralize these spots after washing with TSP. Test oil spots by sprinkling water on them, water should not bead up or turn rainbow bluish tint.

Repair any cracks or divots prior to coating. Coatings will not repair floor damage.


Once floor is ready for coating stir each can with separate stir sticks to unify any separated materials. Pour all the Tint(1 pint) into the Part A and mix until color is uniform. Pour out the Part A into a clear measuring container, do the same with the Part B in a separate container. Please note that this product has a short working time of about 15-20 minutes. Mix one gallon total of Part A & Part B at a time per the mix ratio on the label for both. You can use any measuring cups to measure smaller amounts, as long as you maintain the proper ratios. Pre hardening of product is not covered under the warranty so do not mix too much until you get a feel for how much you can apply in 15 minutes. Make sure to mix all material from the sides and bottom of your container so you don’t end up with any unmixed material. Do not over stir or create a vortex that will induce air into the mixture. Do not use the same stir stick in different cans, use the same stick to stir the Part A, same stick to stir Part B and the same stick to mix the combined components. You will need at least 3 heavy duty stir sticks. Using the stir stick from one can and then using it in another can of a different component will cause cross contamination.


Pour mixed coating onto the floor in a left to right bead and spread out with 1/4" nap epoxy lint free roller. Apply the epoxy at approximately 275 sf/mixed gallon. Do not mix in sunlight and do not store product in sun or hot areas. Do not mix more than 1 gallon at a time per person rolling. Once epoxy is rolled out, using your spike soles broadcast color flakes into the wet epoxy. Use a a plastic handle jug with 3/8" holes drilled into the bottom and shake the flakes out in an even but random pattern for best results.


Let first coat dry to the touch, about 2- 3 hours, be sure it is fully dry to the touch. First coat may dry with some streaks in it.  Scrape the flakes with any typ of flat edge tool and vacuum up debris.


Apply the second coat(clear coat) in the same exact way as the first coat, perpendicular to the first coat if possible. Avoid puddling and over rolling for best results. Spread rate is approximately 275 sf/gal. You will get better coverage on the 2nd coat since the floor is sealed and all streakiness will be eliminated.

For a skid-resistant surface mix the supplied nonslip into the clear coat in the appropriate ratio to the amount of epoxy you have mixed. Make sure to mix this in thoroughly before applying, and re-mix when pouring more epoxy into roller pan to keep non skid suspended. Coating is slippery when wet so nonslip is recommended wherever the floor may get wet or oily.


We suggest you start with a small batch at first, about ½ gallon mixed (one quart each of A and B is best and apply that in a corner area. This will get you used to mixing and working with the coating. The rest of the floor application should be straightforward.

                                               Very Versatile Coating That Can Be Used For

◘ Car Ports

◘ Patios

◘ Pool Decks

◘ Outdoor Public Park & Recreation Areas

◘ Outdoor Restaurant Areas

◘ Outdoor Assembly Areas

◘ Any Area That Requires A Fast Dry And Or Outdoor Rated Coating




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◘ Fast Drying

◘ Outdoor Rated

◘ Cures Down To 40 Degrees Outdooor Temperature

◘ Will Not Yellow

◘ DIY Friendly

◘ Extremely Durable & Impact Resistant

◘ Vehicle Rated & Resistant To All Vehicle Fluids

◘ Easily Cleaned & Maintained.


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Concrete slab must be clean of all dust, dirt, oil stains or any other contaminants. We recommend a double etching if concrete is new or extra dirty the Floor Prep Machine from Home Depotprovides escellent results.  After grinding, vacuum the floor to remove leftover dust. Then using a strong leaf blower, blow any remaining dust off the floor and out of the premises.


Oil stains can be removed by mechanical grinding methods or scrubbed out with Liquid Tide and Muriatic Acid, be sure to neutralize these spots after washing with TSP. Test oil spots by sprinkling water on them, water should not bead up or turn rainbow bluish tint.

Repair any cracks or divots prior to coating. Coatings will not repair floor damage.


Once floor is ready for coating stir each can with separate stir sticks to unify any separated materials. Pour all the Tint(1 pint) into the Part A and mix until color is uniform. Pour out the Part A into a clear measuring container, do the same with the Part B in a separate container. Please note that this product has a short working time of about 15-20 minutes. Mix one gallon total of Part A & Part B at a time per the mix ratio on the label for both. You can use any measuring cups to measure smaller amounts, as long as you maintain the proper ratios. Pre hardening of product is not covered under the warranty so do not mix too much until you get a feel for how much you can apply in 15 minutes. Make sure to mix all material from the sides and bottom of your container so you don’t end up with any unmixed material. Do not over stir or create a vortex that will induce air into the mixture. Do not use the same stir stick in different cans, use the same stick to stir the Part A, same stick to stir Part B and the same stick to mix the combined components. You will need at least 3 heavy duty stir sticks. Using the stir stick from one can and then using it in another can of a different component will cause cross contamination.


Pour mixed coating onto the floor in a left to right bead and spread out with 1/4" nap epoxy lint free roller. Apply the epoxy at approximately 275 sf/mixed gallon. Do not mix in sunlight and do not store product in sun or hot areas. Do not mix more than 1 gallon at a time per person rolling. Once epoxy is rolled out, using your spike soles broadcast color flakes into the wet epoxy. Use a a plastic handle jug with 3/8" holes drilled into the bottom and shake the flakes out in an even but random pattern for best results.


Let first coat dry to the touch, about 2- 3 hours, be sure it is fully dry to the touch. First coat may dry with some streaks in it.  Scrape the flakes with any typ of flat edge tool and vacuum up debris.


Apply the second coat(clear coat) in the same exact way as the first coat, perpendicular to the first coat if possible. Avoid puddling and over rolling for best results. Spread rate is approximately 275 sf/gal. You will get better coverage on the 2nd coat since the floor is sealed and all streakiness will be eliminated.

For a skid-resistant surface mix the supplied nonslip into the clear coat in the appropriate ratio to the amount of epoxy you have mixed. Make sure to mix this in thoroughly before applying, and re-mix when pouring more epoxy into roller pan to keep non skid suspended. Coating is slippery when wet so nonslip is recommended wherever the floor may get wet or oily.


We suggest you start with a small batch at first, about ½ gallon mixed (one quart each of A and B is best and apply that in a corner area. This will get you used to mixing and working with the coating. The rest of the floor application should be straightforward.

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                                               Very Versatile Coating That Can Be Used For

◘ Car Ports

◘ Patios

◘ Pool Decks

◘ Outdoor Public Park & Recreation Areas

◘ Outdoor Restaurant Areas

◘ Outdoor Assembly Areas

◘ Any Area That Requires A Fast Dry And Or Outdoor Rated Coating




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