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ArmorGarage Metal Roof Coating is specifically designed to stop your roof leaks and guaranteed for 12 years to keep your roof leak free.
Metal roofs require that you address different factors than rubber or asphalt based roofs. Such as large amounts of expansion and contraction, rust, a painted surface not conducive to being coated especially oil based enamel type paints that have a very smooth finish, screw and lap joints. When considering a roof coating you need to make sure it is designed to handle all these issues for the long term. As we say any roof coating can stop a leak, you can buy a can of the latest miracle leak stopper on TV for $20.00. It's for how long that counts! If you want something durable you need to know what you're buying. That's what all the info on this page and related tabs are for, to help you better understand the true facts and dispel some of the marketing hype about metal roof coatings.
Armor Metal Roof Coating is a self plasticizing epoxy and rubber fortified acrylic that provides a monolithic encapsulating coating. Cannot be compared to water based, silicone coatings or Home Improvement store brands. Those types of coatings are all known for premature failures.Our roof coating is extremely durable and can handle large amounts of expansion and contraction without cracking or splitting! This is not your standard water based or siliconized based acrylic coating! It's extra thickness together with our extra heavy duty epoxy additive results in a roof coating system that also works great on concrete, foam and tile roofs by filling in microscopic holes, small cracks and voids.
It is made to stop leaks on a permanent basis unlike standard acrylic and silicone coatings that can only solve your roof problems on a very temporary basis if at all! Some companies specifically state that they do not guarantee against roof leaks. Some companies state they don't guarantee any results. Some companies void their guarantee unless it was applied by an authorized dealer or if you walk on it. Some companies require up to 6 coats to get a proper guarantee. We say what good is putting on a roof coating if it's not guaranteed to produce results such as stopping leaks?
We also wonder what good is a roof coating if it only stops your leaks for a couple of years? Are you really saving money by having to recoat your roof over and over again when leaks reoccur. Sooner or later all those failing coatings will start delaminating requiring the roof to be stripped to the bare metal. A costly and time consuming job!
If you've been having roof problems you know what we are talking about since you most likely have applied an ineffective coating or two already and have experienced the nightmare of reoccurring roof leaks after a short period of time.
With 99.99% memory recovery it's perfect for large metal roofs that have extreme amounts of movement due to wide temperature swings and will not wrinkle up or crack after repeated expansion and contraction cycles like water or silicone based coatings do! Works on new or old Concrete and Metal Roofs without the need of priming. Can be applied over previous coatings(that are not peeling). Metal roofs with paint should have paint removed or be primed with our Special Primer to ensure proper adhesion of the roof coating to the existing paint. This is very important and goes for any roof coating you may want to apply over a painted metal surface.
Armor Metal Roof Shield's thicker consistency it has higher thermal and insulating performance then your typical elastomerics. This is a great benefit for metal roof buildings that tend to get extremely hot in summer and have high heat loss during winter months.
Jill Henderson is the owner of the Double Wide Mobile Home in the picture up top. Here's what she had to say "The roof before was dull with patches of yellow moss and it's surface was matted, not smooth and reflective. Therefore it held heat and water (even water from condensation in morning). The vents edges and adjoining sections were leaking and damp. Now 40 years later it's looking smooth and shiny new again. Thanks Armorgarage. My contractors with @ 30 years in business say they love the product. It's so cool inside now, I don't need air conditioning in 100 F. Thank God because 109 F is forecast in a couple days. So happy. Jill Henderson"
After years of durability and performance issues with every type of water based and silicone roof coatings Beale Air Force Base has made ArmorGarage Metal Roof Shield the standard coating for the entire base. There's a reason for that, the last product they used was a silicone coating with a 50 year warranty! The product couldn't make it past 5 and the warranty wasn't worth the paper it was written on. In fact they had hundreds of gallons of the product in inventory and they just tossed it. Now every building on the base is using ArmorGarage Metal Roof Coating. We developed a custom color called BAFB-Khaki Tan for them. The following images are from support buildings in close proximity to the B1 runway that required a special color called PMS-411. Contact us if you have a large roof you would like in one of these colors.
We received this email from the owner of the 100 year old beautiful historic red roofed home in the two images below:
Jim, I need to know what a 5 gallon bucket of the coating costs plus freight. 4-7-13 was when Fort Scott was hit by a terrible hail storm. Your roof coating did amazingly well considering it was hit with golf ball sized hail and suffered only minor damage. It is estimated that over 80% of all roofs in Fort Scott were lost! My insurance company is reimbursing me for any costs involved with repairing the minor damage that occurred from the storm. Thanks in advance for the information, and thanks for having a great product! It really is everything you say it is and well worth the extra money. Had I gone with a cheaper coating recommended by my roofer I have no doubt I would have lost my irreplaceable historic roof.
Need we say more?

We received the following images from David the owner of the Alpenrose Inn in Bondville VT who was having continuous leak issues with his painted metal roof. The following series of images are the steps he took for a long term solution after years of quick fixes with other products that never lasted. First the roof was cleaned and any loose or defective roof products were removed. Then all screw heads and seams were caulked with our roof repair mastic, then the entire roof was primed with our special primer to ensure a proper bond between the existing paint and the roof coating. Then two roof coats of a custom green were applied. David is extremely happy with the product and the results and can now go on with his daily business without ever having to worry about the roof leaking on his guests every time it rains or snows.

Your Armor Metal Roof coating should last you 15-20 years with some minimal common sense maintenance. At which time you can apply one new coat to bring the your roof back to new.
Metal Roof Coating Application
Coating is applied at 100 sf/gal and two coats are required. To determine the correct amount of product needed divide the square footage of the roof by 250 this is the amount of 5 gallon pails you need for two coats. Divide by 2500 to determine the number of 53 gallon drums required for two coats.
ArmorGarage Metal Roof Coating is very easy to apply and no prior experience is required. It can be brushed, rollered or sprayed on. Following the instructions below will ensure your roof gets coated properly and 100% leak free. If you or your installer has any questions we are happy to help you with any application concerns, our techs have helped customers install millions of square feet of this product.
First thoroughly clean and remove all dirt, mold, mildew or rust from roof, for heavily rusted metal roofs we recommend that you apply a paint compatible rust inhibitor primer let dry thoroughly according to manufacturer's instructions. .
Always test for adhesion, apply ArmorGarage Special Bonding Primer if metal is painted or if coating does not bond to rust inhibitor.
We always recommend a thorough inspection after the roof has been cleaned. Sometimes a very dirty or corroded roof can hide issues. Look for split or wider then normal seams, loose or missing screws, cracked or dry brittle flashing. If you're unsure of any areas take a few pictures and email them to us, we'll tell you exactly how to address the issue if there is one.
Perform any repair work needed with our Roof Mastic, it's a terrific product and goes on easily with a good flashing brush or trowel, it's thick almost like a paste a does a great job fixing, sealing and patching everything on your roof. Coat all bolt/screw heads and lap joints on metal roofs with the Armor Roof Patch Mastic and let dry between 24-48 hrs. Note if your seams are tight and screws are new and tight you do not have to apply the seam mastic. We recommend you check screw heads since they are prone to get loose and or stripped. Retighten loose screws and replace screws that are stripped due to enlarged screw holes with over sized metal roof screws that are easily obtained online. Again if you replace screws or your screws are nice and tight you don't have to apply the mastic but it's always a good idea to do so.
For concrete roofs we recommend putting a thin coat of the Roof Mastic on each joint then embed roofing mesh into that then apply a second coat to fully cover the mesh. This will act as a reinforced expansion joint over the joints. Let the mastic dry overnight and no longer than 48 hrs. Do the same for any metal seams/joints that seem to have bulged or split open. also during your inspection pay close attention to any roof penetrations such as vent pipes, exhaust fans, HVAC equipment. It's a good idea to put a coat of the mastic around the curbs of each of these items. Doing these preparation steps will ensure a 100% watertight installation.
Next mix coating with heavy duty mixer in a 1/2" drill then apply coating with 9" or 18" roller or spray gun. Can even be applied by Brush on smaller roofs, hard to reach places, or roof edges where overspray is not wanted as you see below.

For spray applications on large roofs use a Commercial Sprayer with 3000 psi, .75-1 gpm minimum with a .027 - .031 tip with 3/8" ID hoses. For hose length greater than 60' use 1/2" ID hoses. Graco models-Ultra Max 695, Graco Ultra Max795 or Graco GMax 3400 or similar brand. Maintain the 100 sq ft/ gallon spread rate. An easy way to make sure you get the right coverage is to mark out 500sf squares or rectangles and use 1 pail per 500sf area. We recommed spraying when roof size is 10,000 sf and larger otherwise rolling is just as quick.

Let first coat dry 24 Hrs and then apply second coat. Maintain 1 gallon per 100 sq ft.
Do not start job if temperature will fall below 40 degrees or if rain is forecast within the curing time frame. Do not use on EPDM roofs.
Metal Roof Coating Features
UL and Factory Mutual Fire Rated
Mold & Mildew resistant
UV & Ozone resistant with no sign of pitting or wearing under ASTM 9000 HR Accelerated Weather Test
65% Solids and not water based! Means more of the coating you apply to your roof will still be on your roof after it dries. Many coatings have more than 50% of the coating you apply evaporate away as it dries. That's why they're so cheap to buy, most of the product is either water or inferior solvents. There's no magic formula as to how other roof coatings are sold so cheap it's because they are cheap products, water is cheap, solvents are cheap, silicone is cheap and you get what you pay for. That's why the Air Force stop using the silicone coating they were using, it didn't last and it didn't work and the lifetime warranty was bogus.
Elongation rating of 500% with 99.999% memory retention factor. Means it stretches and contracts more than standard coatings and will maintain it's original shape better and longer. That's a big issue with bargain coatings they stretch out after a few years and once they do that they are not as effective at keep water out of your building!
Flexible down to -40 degrees
Shore A Hardness of 50 is rated for normal foot traffic, very cut and impact resistant
Heat reflectivity of 90% save up to 30% on cooling costs
12 Year Guarantee! Routinely lasts 15-20 years till recoat is required.
This roof coating can be recoated when needed, usually with just one coat! The new coating will reactivate the old coating and they will bond together forming a renewed roof surface with a new guarantee. Be sure to check the roof coating comparison chart HERE
Metal Roof Coating Recommendations
When coating a metal roof with a painted finish we strongly recommend that you remove any loose or peeling paint and apply one coat of our Bonding primer to the entire roof surface to ensure 100% bonding between the Roof coating and your metal roof. Please note that the Ponding Watering coating should only be used with Armor Roof Coatings or Bonding Primer as a basecoat and should always be the final coating on the roof.
If your metal roof has rust spots, you need to wire brush them to remove as much of the rust as possible then prime them with a paintable Zinc primer.
If you have corrosion around your bolts or screws we suggest you hit them with a paintable zinc primer also and apply a dab of our Roof Mastic over them for added protection. That goes for any seams also.
Once your roof is properly coated it should be maintenance free for many years. We would just suggest you keep an eye on the screws and joints. This is where many problems with metal roofs occur. If you've followed our direction you should not have this problem.
Coating must be applied to entire roof for warranty coverage.
Guarantee shall consist of coverage for delamination or erosion of the coating during the warranty period, coating must be applied to entire roof surface, there is no guarantee for partial roof coverage. We have never had an actual product failure but should you feel that the product has failed for any reason we request that the property owner notify ArmorGarage by email or fax with a description and nature of failure. On substantiation of a product defect, ArmorGarage, as its sole liability and the property owner’s exclusive remedy, will provide sufficient replacement product to repair all affected areas. ArmorGarage is not liable for any labor or consequential damage costs such as but not limited to mold or mildew damage, loss of use or any damage to property.
Exclusions to warranty: Damage arising out of failure to apply coating in accordance with our instructions, natural disasters and acts of God or nature, shifting or swelling of the roofing system or structure, exposure to destructive chemicals, over accumulation of organic materials or other roof debris, failure of previously applied coating(s), acts and causes beyond our control, negligence, misuse of the product, and cosmetic changes in coating appearance. Failure of product due to ponding water areas that lasts longer than 48 hours after last rainfall. For these areas use our Ponding Water Roof Coating.
Because there are extenuating factors beyond our control it is the purchaser's responsibility to repair all roof defects properly such as Rust, delaminating or damaged seams, flashings, mold, mildew or badly deteriorated roofing material prior to application of our roof coatings, to apply product at recommended thickness to a listed compatible surface during proper weather conditions.